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Devotional thought
Peacemakers, Not Just Peace Receivers...,
Jesus told us that before He returns to take us home, the world would be a sin-filled mess. We look around and know He’s right, but what do we do? Nothing, doesn’t seem like a productive option, but neither does attacking the opposition with voices that sound anything but Christ-like.
During the height of the Cold War, Billy Graham, one of the most prominent evangelists in history, met with leaders of the government and churches in the Soviet Union hoping to break down barriers to the gospel. Under communism, the government there had caused much harm to humanity and places of worship. As you can imagine, he met with fierce opposition. Not from Soviet leaders, but from Christians who felt he didn’t speak loudly enough against human rights violations and religious persecution. One critic declared that by not speaking more forcefully, he set Christianity and the church back 50 years. Graham’s response, delivered with a grin, was that he was disappointed – he had hoped to set the Church back 2,000 years!
Oh, how our world needs to see Christ in us, perhaps like hasn’t been seen in 2000 years. Listening more and speaking less. Loving more and judging less. To do so doesn’t begin on the world front, but the home front, where wrongs come easily, and forgiveness is hard. Knowing this, Jesus calls us to be peacemakers, not simply peace receivers. Forgiveness isn’t an option if we want to be forgiven. It isn’t our rightness, but us speaking the truth in love that will soften hearts and bring reconciliation.
May we all, by God’s grace, choose Jesus’ solution to our problems in order that His love and peace will be present in us, so that it can be present in our families, our communities, and our world, is my prayer.
Pastor Jim Bollin
Jim and his wife Sherri have four grown children and one grandchild. You’ll find that they are family oriented, kid friendly, enjoy good food, relish their time with family and friends, and the simple blessings of life.
Growing up as a Christian, Pastor Jim joined the Adventist church in 1989, and entered the pastoral ministry in 1995. Since graduating from Andrews Seminary in 1999, he has pastored in both the Oregon and Idaho Conferences.
Jim’s role here at Castle Rock Church is all about serving our community as a whole, because he believes that Jesus’ teachings are meant to be lived out in our daily lives. He believes our faith grows best when we get involved in loving and serving others as Jesus did, with the unique gifts He has given us all.
Pastor Jim looks forward to helping you discover where and how God has called you to love others in Jesus’ name.
Contact him at